I am an aspiring racer who is new to both cycling and veganism. I started riding about two years ago on a well loved craigslist find and traded 70 lbs for an appreciation of everything two wheel related. Around the same time I made the decision to give up animal products as the logical end point of my convictions about both healthy eating and animal welfare. Now I am trying to figure out racing, training, nutrition, and equipment without a large budget. Not to mention how to juggle work, school, being married, and a full time training schedule. This will be my chronicle of slow hill climbs, diet changes, DNF's and successes.
Me Before:
These were all taken in 2008-2009 when I was between 250-260lbs (I'm not entirely sure since the scale was not my friend)
Me After:
These are all recent, taken over this summer, when I was in the 170-180 range.